quotation: The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. Charles Darwin

The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) Discuss

10 responses to “quotation: The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. Charles Darwin

  1. Funnily enough, what we actually seek to control, however, are others’ thoughts.


    • There is, I’m sure a quotation for that too! 🙂 If we could only start small….right?


      • George, you’re right. Quotations can be found for almost anything. But we’ve also got to remember that these quotes from great men—in most cases—came after quiet reflection and intense doing.


      • and life experience… But mostly they are taken out of context, and many times they do not carry the weight of the entire train of thought. I think that most of us have the ideas, but few have the means to express those ideas in the most meaningful manner!
        thanks for the comment!


      • Out of context… that’s always a bugbear, isn’t it? But then, what would you have a blogger do? Explain every but threadbare or let each one have their own interpretation.. Writers have readings where readers pay to have their copies of their books signed and have the author read select passages.. Are bloggers supposed to do something like that online? You think…


      • I think that blogging can be a very creative, resourceful, and educational avenue. I think everyone can and should have an honest opinion. I think blogging fulfills for many an creativity that would have been denied by the traditional means of communication, artistic and otherwise. Also, and very important to point out blogging, can add a lot to publishing by adding videos to text posts.
        I think it is opening minds and educating, while being open, and less boring than traditional learning: it sure can create a meaningful dialogue, such as the one we’re having! Thanks for your comments!


  2. Thought provoking. But, what does that mean? 😕


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