Daily Archives: August 10, 2014

Looting reported during vigil for teen shot by police


How Kentucky tobacco yielded a possible Ebola miracle drug | Nation & World | The Seattle Times


New Cancer Classification System May Offer More Accurate Diagnoses


Laziness at the expense of privacy and freedom: John McAfee | ZDNet


Don’t Click On Facebook’s Color Changing App: It’s Malware : Tech : Chinatopix


US launches five more airstrikes Sunday, destroying four Islamic State armored vehicles | Fox News


TV heat on Ukraine

TV heat on Ukraine http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28706461

Supermoon: Your pictures

Supermoon: Your pictures http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/in-pictures-28735682

The unstoppable march of the upward inflection

The unstoppable march of the upward inflection http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-28708526

Colorado’s birth control success

Colorado’s birth control success http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-28693239

My Panama Canal

My Panama Canal http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-28558643

Go Figure: The week in numbers

Go Figure: The week in numbers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-28711886

The ‘lost’ poetry of World War One

The ‘lost’ poetry of World War One http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-28705819

France bombs Islamists in north Mali

France bombs Islamists in north Mali http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28731638

Iraqi Kurds ask for arms to fight IS

Iraqi Kurds ask for arms to fight IS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28730618

Farms are focus of studies on drinking water toxin


Kurdish forces retake 2 towns from ISIS in northern Iraq | Fox News


Meet the world’s bravest undertakers – Liberia’s Ebola burial squad – Telegraph


Israel, Palestinians agree on new Gaza truce


Widget: The News Manual – A professional resource for journalism and the media

News Manual - Truth and freedom (click to access)

News Manual – a professional resource for journalism and the media (click to access)

Quotation: There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil. Walter Lippmann, American journalist, 1889-1974

There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil.
Walter Lippmann, American journalist, 1889-1974

Liszt Ferenc – Missa Choralis: great compositions/performances

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Liszt Ferenc – Missa Choralis

Liszt Concerto #2 file1 Valentina Lisitsa (audio): great compositions/performances


Liszt Concerto #2 file1 Valentina Lisitsa (audio)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Franz Liszt wrote drafts for his Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 in A major, S.125, during his virtuoso period, in 1839 to 1840. He then put away the manuscript for a decade. When he returned to the concerto, he revised and scrutinized it repeatedly. The fourth and final period of revision ended in 1861. Liszt dedicated the work to his student Hans von Bronsart, who gave the first performance, with Liszt conducting, in Weimar on January 7, 1857.


This concerto is one single, long movement, divided into six sections that are connected by transformations of several themes:

  • Adagio sostenuto assai

    The key musical idea of this concerto comes at the beginning. Quietly yet confidently, half a dozen woodwinds, no more than five at a time, play a sequence of two chords—an A major chord with a C sharp on top, then a dominant seventh on F natural. The first chord sounds very ordinary. The second opens possibilities unhinted by what preceded it. One note connects the two chords—an A. This sequence sounds colorful and strange yet inevitable and easily grasped.

  • Allegro agitato assai

    This is technically the scherzo of the piece. It starts in B-flat minor and ends in C-sharp minor.

  • Allegro moderato

    This section contains a great deal of lyricism and proceeds at an unhurried pace. Among its charms is a metamorphosis of the opening theme, played by solo cello while accompanied by the piano, showing the influence of Italian bel canto on Liszt’s work.

  • Allegro deciso

  • Marziale un poco meno allegro

    Yet another transformation of the gentle opening theme, this movement has also nearly always been attacked as vulgar and a betrayal of both the initial character of this theme and the concerto on the whole. American musicologist Robert Winter disagreed. He called the march “a masterstroke that demonstrates the full emotional range of thematic transformation.”[1] The march contains the force and weight needed to reestablish the home key of A major, from which the music has been moving quite far since the concerto opened.

  • Allegro animato

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi: Sonata for Recorder in C major ‘Il Pastor Fido’ No.1, Op.13, (RV54): make music part of your life series

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi: Sonata for Recorder in C major ‘Il Pastor Fido‘ No.1, Op.13, (RV54)

vivaldi369  vivaldi369
Álbum: Antonio Vivaldi: Sonatas for Flute, Op.13 “IL Pastor Fido”
Interpretes del álbum: Bela Drahos, Pal Kelemen & Zsuzsa Pertis
Compositor: Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
Año: 1991
Genero: Barroco Italiano
Movimientos: Moderato-Allegro-Affectuoso-Allegro-Giga

Handel – Overture from “Il Pastor Fido”, HWV 8a: make music part of your life series

Handel – Overture from “Il Pastor Fido“, HWV 8a


Overture from “Il Pastor Fido”, HWV 8a.

The English Concert, on period instruments. Simon Standage, violin solo. David Reichenberg, oboe solo. Alastair Mitchell, bassoon solo. Amanda McNamara, double bass solo. Nigel North, theorbo solo. Trevor Pinnock, harpsichord and conductor. Composed by G.F. Handel (1685-1759).

I. [without tempo indication] – Lentement ( 0:00 )
II. Largo ( 4:11 )
III. Allegro ( 8:04 )
IV. [Menuet] ( 10:17 )
V. Adagio ( 12:16 )
VI. [Allegro] ( 20:36 )

European Union Baroque Orchestra – Händel: Te Deum Utrecht, Jubilate Utrecht – Lars Ulrik Mortensen: make music part of your life series

European Union Baroque Orchestra – Händel: Te Deum Utrecht, Jubilate Utrecht – Lars Ulrik Mortensen



Meer op: http://www.radio4.nl/oudemuziek
Bekijk ook het tweede deel van dit concert: http://youtu.be/xgtRjiywS20

European Union Baroque Orchestra & Choir of Clare College o.l.v. Lars Ulrik Mortensen
Alex Potter, contratenor

Georg Frideric Händel (1685-1759)
Te Deum ‘Utrecht’ HWV 278 (1713)
Jubilate ‘Utrecht’ HWV 279

Opgenomen tijdens het Festival Oude Muziek Utrecht in de Domkerk op 31 augustus 2013

Choir of Clare College, Cambridge: Janneke Dupre, Gabrielle Haigh, Alice Halstead, Sophie Horrocks, Helen Lilley, Caroline Meinhardt, Madeleine Seale, Rachael Ward, sopraan
Clara Betts-Dean, Abigail Gostick, Emma Simmons, Eva Smith-Leggatt, Eleanor Warner, alt
Laurence Booth-Clibborn, Nils Greenhow, Peter Harrison, Christopher Loyn, Alexander Peter, tenor
Adam Cigman-Mark, William Cole, Elliot Fitzgerald, Matthew Jorysz, Charles Littlewood, Magnus Maharg, Alexander McBride, Hugo Popplewell, James Proctor, bas
Graham Ross, koorleider

European Union Baroque Orchestra: Zefira Valova, Roldán Bernabé-Carrión, Christiane Eidsten Dahl, Antonio De Sarlo, Yotam Gaton, Saron Houben, Sarina Matt, Daphne Oltheten, Jamiang Santi, viool
Rafael Roth, Hilla Heller, Andrea Angela Ravandoni, altviool
Guillermo Turina Serrano, Nicola Paoli, cello
Lisa De Boos, contrabas
Alexis Kossenko, traverso
Clara Geuchen, Johannes Knoll, hobo
Andrew Burn, fagot
Sebastian Philpott, Gerard Serrano Garcia, trompet
Marianna Henriksson, klavecimbel

Frederic Chopin – Krakowiak Op.14: great compositions/performances

Hopeful that this and all other posts and shared Links are received everywhere!

Frederick Chopin – Krakowiak Op.14

Grande rondò da concerto.


Brahms-Violin Sonata No. 2 in A Major Op. 100: make music part of your life series

BrahmsViolin Sonata No. 2 in A Major Op. 100

Kanaal van viool7

Isaac Stern: violin-Myra Hess: piano-Live-Edinburgh-1960

Peter Cornelius(1824-1874) Barbier von Bagdad-Overture: Great performances

Peter Cornelius(1824-1874) Barbier von Bagdad-Overture

English: German conductor Hans Knappertsbusch ...

English: German conductor Hans Knappertsbusch (1888-1965) Deutsch: Hans Knappertsbusch (1888-1965), deutscher Dirigent (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Conductor: Hans Knappertsbusch
Orchestra: Bavarian State Orchestra

Calendarul Ortodox (click to access)

Calendarul Ortodox: http://calendar-ortodox.eu/ (click to access)

Calendarul Ortodox: http://calendar-ortodox.eu/ (click to access)


Sinaxar 10 August

În aceasta luna, în ziua a zecea, pomenirea Sfintilor Mucenici Lavrentie (Laurentiu) arhidiaconul, Xist (Sixt), papa Romei, si Ipolit.

Lavrentie arhidiaconulSfântul Sixt (sau Xist) era grec din nastere si studiase filozofia la Atena inainte de a veni sa se instaleze la Roma sub domnia imparatului Valerian in vremea pontificatului Sfântului Stefan I (253-257, praznuit la 3 august). Mai intii favorabil crestinilor, imparatul – care cazuse sub influenta magilor si ghicitorilor egipteni dupa o nefericita expeditie in Orient – publica un edict interzicând practicarea in public a cultului crestin si cerea tuturor clericilor sa se inchine zeilor, amenintându-i cu exilul in caz contrar. Sfântul Stefan fusese una dintre primele victime ale acestei persecutii iar Sixt fu consacrat pentru a-i succeda. Persecutia spori atunci si fu decretata executia Episcopilor, Preotilor si Diaconilor in baza simplei constatari a identitatii lor, in timp ce laicii urmau sa fie condamnati injosirii si muncilor fortate. Sfântul Sixt fu atunci arestat si condus, dupa un prim interogatoriu, la renumita inchisoare Mamertine (n. tr. : unde au fost inchisi si Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel). Pe drum, Arhidiaconul sau Lavrentie il intâlni si ii spuse in lacrimi : “Unde te duci, Parinte, fara fiul tau ? Ce jertfa te pregatesti sa aduci fara Diaconul tau ? M-ai gasit cumva nedemn de aceasta ? Vei refuza tu sa-ti fie alaturi pentru a-si varsa sângele pe cel pe care l-ai primit intru Sfintele Taine ?”. Episcopul ii raspunse : “Nu fiule, nu te parasesc, dar lupte inca si mai mari te asteapta. Noi, ca batrânii, ne-am angajat intr-o lupta usoara. Dar pe tine, tânar viguros, te asteapta o victorie si mai plina de glorie asupra tiranului. Nu mai plânge. Peste trei zile Diaconul ii va urma Preotului”. Si inainte de a-i da sarutul pacii, ii incredinta administrarea in numele sau a bunurilor Bisericii. Lavrentie isi indeplini pe data sarcina dupa voia lui Dumnezeu, impartind bogatiile Bisericii la clerici si la saraci. Pe muntele Coelius intâlni o vaduva, ce se numea Domnita, care ascundea pe multi crestini. Profita de intunericul noptii pentru a le aduce bani si haine si trecea apoi din casa in  casa, vindecând pe bolnavi si spalând picioarele credinciosilor, asemeni Domnului.

Cum Papa fusese condamnat sa i se taie capul pe Via Appia, Sfântul Lavrentie ii iesi in cale si ii striga : “Nu ma lasa, Parinte Sfânt, pentru ca am impartit deja comorile pe care mi le-ai incredintat”. Auzind vorbindu-se de comori, soldatii il prinsera imediat si pe Lavrentie si il dusera in fata tribunului Partenius care il instiinta pe imparat. Aruncat in inchisoare si dat in paza tribunului Ipolit, Sfântul Lavrentie vindeca prin rugaciunea sa si aduse la credinta pe un orb numit Lucillus. Auzind vestea, alti numerosi orbi alergara la el si fura cu totii vindecati de catre sfânt, care in plus il boteza pe Ipolit impreuna cu celelalte nouasprezece persoane ce se aflau in casa lui…(continua aici)

Saint of the Day, August 10, 2014: St. Lawrence – Martyr

Saint of the Day

Image of St. Lawrence - Martyr

St. Lawrence – Martyr

Saint Lawrence was one of seven deacons who were in charge of giving help to the poor and the needy. When a persecution broke out, Pope St. Sixtus was condemned to death. As he was led to execution, … continue reading

More Saints of the Day

today’s holiday: Puck Fair

Puck Fair

A traditional gathering that dates back hundreds of years, Puck Fair is a three-day event held in Killorglin in County Kerry, Ireland. A large male goat is decorated with ribbons and paraded through the streets on the first day, which is known as Gathering Day. The goat, known as King Puck, presides over the fair from his “throne,” an enclosure on a three-story platform in the town square. The main event of the second day, known as Puck’s Fair Day, is a livestock show. On the third day, known as Scattering Day, King Puck is led out of town to the accompaniment of traditional Irish music. More… Discuss

quotation: Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. Plato

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.

Plato (427 BC-347 BC) Discuss

today’s birthday: Herbert Hoover (1874)

Herbert Hoover (1874)

Hoover rose to fame for his relief efforts during and after World War I, which included arranging the return of Americans stranded abroad and securing supplies for civilians of war-devastated Europe. Elected US president in 1928, his administration was dominated by the economic depression that followed the 1929 stock market crash. Believing the economy would regenerate spontaneously, he was reluctant to extend federal activities. What event spurred Hoover to order federal troops to the capital? More… Discuss

this day in the yesteryear: Ferdinand Magellan Sets Sail to Circumnavigate Globe (1519)

Ferdinand Magellan Sets Sail to Circumnavigate Globe (1519)

In 1518, Spanish king Charles I approved navigator Ferdinand Magellan’s plan to sail to the Spice Islands by a western route. On the way, Magellan crossed the “Sea of the South” and renamed it the Pacific Ocean because of the calm crossing. His ambitious voyage proved definitively the roundness of the Earth and revealed the Americas as a new world, separate from Asia. Though Magellan is often credited with being the first to circumnavigate the globe, he never actually returned to Europe. Why? More… Discuss

Cryptolocker Unlocked

Cryptolocker Unlocked

Some half a million people were victimized by a criminal ring running a malicious program, called Cryptolocker, which encrypts files on Windows computers and demands a substantial sum be paid in order to regain access to the files. Only about 1.3 percent of the victims are believed to have paid the ransom, but it still netted the group an estimated $3 million. In a stroke of apparent luck, authorities gained access to the gang’s database of victims and encryption keys, and they are now offering victims free help unlocking their files. The alleged mastermind of this and at least one other major malware scheme, Russian Evgeniy Bogachev, is currently being sought by the FBI. More… Discuss

The Cannes Film Festival

The Cannes Film Festival

This prestigious international film festival is held annually in Cannes, France. It takes place at the Palais des Festivals, and its most illustrious award is the Palme d’Or—meaning “Golden Palm“—for the best film. First held in 1946, the festival marked a resurgence for the film industry, which had been shattered by World War II, and became a meeting place for those interested in the art and influence of the movies. Why wasn’t the festival held in either 1948 or 1950? More… Discuss

just a word: promontory


Definition: (noun) A high ridge of land or rock jutting out into a body of water; a headland.
Synonyms: foreland
Usage: Two miles farther on we were stopped by the promontory which shelters the bay from the southerly winds. Discuss.

Tracing Ebola’s Breakout to an African 2-Year-Old – NYTimes.com


Graham: Islamic State will attack on US soil, Obama must stop terror group’s rise | Fox News


Ukraine pounds rebels in Donetsk

Ukraine pounds rebels in Donetsk http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28732180

Pfizer faces mounting lawsuits for Lipitor side effects : LIFE : Tech Times


Anger follows police shooting in St. Louis suburb


Those escaping ISIS face impossible choice
