One for the bait (poetic thought by George-B)

One for the bait (poetic thought by George-B)

I freed the worm from the hook
to give it a second chance to life.
I hooked myself but it’s too late
in the season for fishing.

I shaved, hoping to please some killer whale
with no result
Here I am,
I can’t even make the bait.

8 responses to “One for the bait (poetic thought by George-B)

  1. I haven’t seen you posting for a while.
    Or have I just been not seeing them.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog again. 🙂


  2. You freed the worm. Most admirable. Is this part of that advant garde liberation poetry stuff?


    • It’s all about pets, and pets in the wilderness, Carl, and here and there a feeling of wanting to be part of something larger that the day!

      I’m glad to have been lighting your interest!


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