unemotional (poetic thought by George-B)

unemotional (poetic thought by George-B)

Giving receiver, how have you become?  
Without feelings, a smile’s a grin,
A portrait, a monster, a fake an original,
life dead,

The burning face in the painting is Gioconda’s –

Libria, I Salute you!

disease is the human emotion
Peace come
Burn the painting, burn the book, make anti-art
Unemotional, the world is once  again flat,
Soulless, uninhibited

 I freed the bait from the hook of life
giving it fair chance to fate.

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6 responses to “unemotional (poetic thought by George-B)

  1. Pingback: Promises, promises, poetic thought by George-B | euzicasa

  2. Pingback: Virtual economy, poetic thought by George B | euzicasa

  3. Reblogged this on euzicasa and commented:

    I have revisited this thought provoking poem, and decide to share it with the newcomers at euzicasa… Enjoy and be blessed today and everyday!




  4. Pingback: Let's Stop Pretending That Unemotional People Are Stronger » Who Am I | Identity | New Creature

  5. “I freed the bait from the hook of life.” Great line. Without art or art as a hostage what do we have? Thanks for the thought provocation this AM. – John


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