Simply…Unforgettables: Valentina Lisitsa – Schubert Impromptu Op. 142, No.3 B, flat major (“The impromptu ended, but its atmosphere will linger for a while in the air”)

Valentina Lisitsa

Valentina Lisitsa
Valentina Lisitsa is a Ukrainian-born and trained classical pianist who resides in North Carolina.

Born: 1973 · Kiev
Education: Kiev Conservatory


Franz Schubert‘s Impromptus are a series of eight pieces for solo piano composed in 1827. They were published in two sets of four impromptus each: the first set was published in the composer’s lifetime as Op. 90, and the second set was published posthumously as Op. posth. 142. They are now catalogued as D. 899 and D. 935 respectively. They are considered to be among the most important examples of this popular early 19th – century genre.[1]

Three other unnamed piano compositions (D. 946), written in May 1828, a few months before the composer’s death, are alternatively indicated as Impromptus or Klavierstücke (“piano pieces”).

The Impromptus are often considered companion pieces to the Six moments musicaux, and they are often recorded and published together.

It has been said that Schubert was deeply influenced in writing these pieces by the Impromptus, Op. 7 (1822) of Jan Václav Voříšek and by the music of Voříšek’s teacher Václav Tomášek.[2][3] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MORE 

10 responses to “Simply…Unforgettables: Valentina Lisitsa – Schubert Impromptu Op. 142, No.3 B, flat major (“The impromptu ended, but its atmosphere will linger for a while in the air”)

  1. Pingback: Schubert Impromptu op. 142 No.3 B flat major: great compositions/performances | euzicasa

  2. Pingback: great compositions/performances: Franz Schubert: 6 Moments Musical Op.94 (D780) | euzicasa

  3. Pingback: Great Compositions/Performances: Schumann Kinderszenen Op 15 – Valentina Lisitsa | euzicasa

  4. Pingback: GREAT COMPOSITIONS/PERFORMANCES:Schubert Impromptu op. 142 No.3 B flat major | euzicasa

  5. Pingback: GREAT COMPOSITIONS/PERFORMANCES: Schubert Impromptu op. 142 No.3 B flat major | euzicasa

  6. Pingback: Great Compositions/Performances: Valentina Lisitsa plays Schubert – Impromptu op. 142 No.3 B flat major | euzicasa

  7. Pingback: Great Compositions/Performances: Valentina Lisitsa plays Chopin “Heroic” Polonaise op 53 A flat major Valentina Lisitsa | euzicasa

  8. Pingback: Make Music Part of Your Life Series: Horowitz plays : Schubert’s Impromptu in G flat major D899 No.3 (in Vienna) | euzicasa

  9. Beautiful… I always think of Schubert with an ache in my heart… he always seemed one of history’s heartbreaks for me…


    • Do people feel the way they do because of a instinctive, subconscious motif, or is it our feeling drowning in the inevitable?
      Some people may be sad not because they want to they know their particular fate but, maybe, because they feel deeper than others.
      May be melancholy is not, and should not be a clinical term, knowing how much it has created in the world of art, music, as a era, and as a individual endeavor of so many artists…I think sadness is underlayer of deep, serious, humane feelings, that are more reverend to our true nature, than the lack of focus of many other artistic currents that followed romanticism, sometimes just to antagonize it!

      Am I right, or am I losing myself, again in words?

      But yes, the world is in a better stand with a musical genius such as Schubert to lead us in its contemplating world.

      Thanks Valerie, I enjoy your comment, everytime, and it always is food for thought!




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