Daily Archives: September 5, 2011

At the Beach – Labor Dar : My photography collection

At the Beach- Labor Day-My photography Collection

At the Beach - Labor Day-My photography Collection

Fair Weather, By George

Fair Weather, (By George)


My dad was the first meteorologist who could do more than just predict the weather. He enjoyed fishing, hobby that he shared with me mostly on summer vacations.

This story is about fair weather, the way he was able to intervene in the complicated business of making an unforgettable sunny day.

 “Dad, do you think it’s going to rain tomorrow, like it did yesterday?” I asked him, concerned about the eventuality of not being able to fulfill our well planned outing. “No, he said”, as if totally sure of the truthfulness of his statement.

“How can you be so sure?”, I asked, since I did not have any knowledge of the science of weather prediction.  “Because I took care of it”, he answered without any hesitation. “You know that hole in the attic’s wall?” he went on saying, “The one facing east?” “Yeah”, I said? “Well, you see, about an hour ago, when you were still asleep, I went up there, in the attic, with one of those  long poles grandma was using to grow the beans  on, and a handful of hay. I wrapped the hay around the tip of the pole, and reach out to the hole in the sky thru which the clouds enter. I waited then for a few minutes, while all the clouds left the sky thru the hole to the West, and quickly I plugged that one too with some hay. So tomorrow, you see, will be sunny, no clouds in the sky what so ever. Will pack our rain coats just as a precaution, but will not have an opportunity to wear them, I promise you.”

I was five years old.  I heard many stories throughout the years about ways to predict the weather, from the circles around the Sun, and the Moon, and the height at which swallows fly  or the way the Sun wink back at us with his last red glowing ray, before it goes to sleep beyond the horizon, the stillness of air, and many more. But this practical way to create a special father-son fishing expedition will always stay with me, treasured and cherished as wisdom of age, wisdom of ages.

The Cloud Outlet: My clouds photography collection

Labor Day Clouds ( My Clouds Photography Collection)

Labor Day Clouds ( My Clouds Photography Collection)