Tag Archives: extinction

news: Rare Rhino on Brink of Extinction

In the News

Rare Rhino on Brink of Extinction

A northern white rhino died at the San Diego Zoo this week, leaving only five in the world. Only one male remains, and is considered unable to reproduce naturally due to old age. An international team of experts is now considering ways to save the species, including the possibility of in vitro fertilization. Hopes for natural breeding were dashed earlier this year when a younger male died in October. Northern white rhinos have been hunted to near extinction for their horns. More… Discuss

this day in the yesteryear: Last Quagga Dies at Amsterdam’s Artis Magistra Zoo (1883)

Last Quagga Dies at Amsterdam’s Artis Magistra Zoo (1883)

Once found in great numbers on the plains of South Africa, the quagga was heavily hunted by Dutch settlers and became extinct in 1883. A century later, it was the first extinct animal to have its DNA studied. This research determined that the quagga was most likely a variant of the common zebra, contrasting the theory that it was a separate species. The quagga had a sandy brown coat but—like the zebra—had dark stripes on its head, neck, and shoulders. Where did the name “quagga” come from? More… Discuss

What Happened To: On the Brink of Extinction

What Happened To: On the Brink of Extinction

What Happened To: On the Brink of Extinction