PBS – Washington Week In Review: What’s The Fuss?

(Click the picture in order to watch the video). I find PBS a more down to earth in the reporting and commentaries made. Some of my friends may agree. In any case it is important to follow the political and economical life of our country, to be able to understand why we are, as a people at the present impasse. The same rule that applies to individual is applicable to a country, a politico-economic system: Self sufficiency is a must, and in order to achieve it, it is equally important to manage the income, by trying to live within the your means, and taking steps to improve that status. unfortunately many spend the last dime, and buy on credit, trying to match their income to the expenses.

Another topic of concern is the process of elections, and what many voters fail to understand: A public office is about a person capable and able to represent justly the entire electorate, and to prioritize and address those issues that will weaken the economic prosperity of all citizen. selflessness and not selfishness is the main valor of a political leader, at all levels of public life.

I do not exclude or include anybody in particular, but I think that voting based of charisma, and empty election campaigns promises are a recipe for failure.

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