Today’s Birthday: JULIUS HENRY “GROUCHO” MARX (1890)

Julius Henry “Groucho” Marx (1890)

Marx and his brothers entered show business with their mother as a vaudeville act in the early 1900s. Later in his career, he enjoyed success as host of the TV game show You Bet Your Life, which was mainly a showcase for his witty banter with contestants. By the end of his career, he had become an instantly recognizable cultural institution who was lauded by individuals as disparate as Johnny Carson and T. S. Eliot. What event that occurred three days earlier overshadowed his 1977 death? More… Discuss

7 responses to “Today’s Birthday: JULIUS HENRY “GROUCHO” MARX (1890)

  1. Pingback: Top 10 funny quotes - Yareah Magazine. Arts and writing | Yareah Magazine. Arts and writing

  2. Pingback: Date coincidences: Omens, or coincidence? « Millard Fillmore's Bathtub

  3. He was one of a kind. No one like him.


  4. say the secret word…..


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