Agent Orange Food Disorder, AOFD, is an ongoing mutation of cells from consuming pesticide regularly, in other words, it is the cumulative effect of consuming toxins over time

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What is A.O.F.D, Agent Orange Food Disorder, and how many Americans have it right now?


by: S. D. Wells


(NaturalNews) “Chronic care management” means someone has a disorder or a disease and the doctors and hospitals aren’t really helping to cure it, they just treat the symptoms with pharmaceuticals and wait for it to get worse. U.S. chronic care management is a well-planned out healthcare system based on the sobering fact that most people make themselves sick and diseased by what they eat and drink, and the popular medicine used to treat this sickness is made from the same chemicals found in what causes it. Still, fewer than 30 percent of the country understands this, and even fewer than that are doing anything about it.

Agent Orange…

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