Daily Archives: August 10, 2011

Anti-Union Law Fuels Massive Voter Turnout for Historic Wisconsin Recall – via Democracy Now

Anti-Union Law Fuels Massive Voter Turnout for Historic Wisconsin Recall

Anti-Union Law Fuels Massive Voter Turnout for Historic Wisconsin Recall (click here to read and watch more about this grave issue at Democracy Now)

 Just as “injury to one is injury to all”, the reversal is true: “Injury to all is injury to one”. While prosperity is a measure of a healthy society, in long run, the distribution of wealth is fundamental. Franklin D. Roosevelt understood this, and allowed a larger share of wealth to reach more people, and in turn created an infrastructure that still stands. Now in the information age, and post-service society, we needed to keep up that infrastructure, and build the avenues of the present and the future: The fiber optics communication cables to help, not for the profit of few greedy corporations, the same that charge 10 times less in other countries, that they charge here, for less access, but for everyone. People have  to be united by a common effort, and the effort must be fundamental, such as survival: One does not need to be a politician, or a lawmaker to realize that.  
So there is an example of vision, that worked: Our generation has been the beneficiary. Now it’s our turn to create, not to destroy,  mindful of  what the next generation will remember us by.
What do you whant to be remembered by?

The Smithsonian’s 165th Anniversary

The Smithsonian - 165th Anniversary

The Smithsonian - 165th Anniversary (click here to read the story at The Smithsonian)