The Beautiful Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award, a great honor, that I am thankful for and  dedicated to live up to.

Thank you Honoré  for this unexpected award, I am very grateful!

To follow the tradition (rules), applying to the awarding), lets first visit one of Honore’s, my sponsor,  wonderful blogs called Of Glass&Paper. We are just for a short while got to be introduced to each other’s blogs, by following a larger group of very talented people from around this great Planet our home. We do have interests in many commun areas. Honoré also created others wonderful bloggs ( and, great sources of inspiration which I intend to take more tim ein the future to further explore!

Seven things  worth mentioning about me:

  1. The place I really wish to live in, is in Fagaras, Romania: It is where my ancesters have lived, worked, sacrificed and found their final resting place…with few exceptions.
  2. I always have been attracted to the mistery of photography from the aspect of artistic means of expression, communication, documenting, as well as from the technical aspects of processing, the “wet lab“, and afterwards the digital complexity and multitude of artistic choices built in the “dry lab”.
  3. I enjoy the outdoors, I rediscovered few years ago, and try to spend as many joyous hours as possible, biking, taking pictures, making new friends, and working out for life.
  4. I need my sleep at night, to be able to function, and recharge my bateries as they are not solar – just the opposite in fact.
  5. Last year was the first one that I enjoyed every day or night, all seasons, to the very moments, even in my dreams.
  6. The book I wish I could write? John Steinback: “Sweet Thursday
  7. My easy reach movie:  “Somewhere in Time “, (1980) – Don’t ask me why, just watch it, if you did not yet. Those who did watch it… well they know what I’m talking about)

Following are, not in a particular order,  the seven nominations I have decided upon:

  1. sharechair – Everyday Technology for everyday folks.
  2. FreeTagZone  – “Pour redonner à l’art éphémère toutes ses lettres de noblesse …”
  3. Tracie Louise Photography –  “Seeing the Beauty in All Things” (just check it out, you’ll see what I’m talking about)
  4. Cee Neuner – My life in daily photographs. (for the beauty of her undefeatable optimism in blogging while confrunted with unimaginable adversity).
  5. Myau, MyauMyau Myau’s photo gallery

    ~ flower, garden, Japanese temple & cat

  6. Subhan Zein – for the beauty of the detail and search for archetypes!
  7. Violet Gallery – For the beauty of perspective of her Watercolors: they truly bring out the gallery!

And to conclude, a summary of the rules:

  • Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post,
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog,
  • Tell 7 things about yourself,
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know.

17 responses to “The Beautiful Blogger Award

  1. Congrats on the award Sir, you do deserve such awards because there is no doubt that you are a super blogger.


  2. Pingback: Excuse me, I think you nominated the wrong person for the Beautiful Blogger Award « Dancing with Fireflies

  3. Pingback: I’ve Been Given the Beautiful Blogger Award! Wow | MikesFilmTalk

  4. Co9ngratulations on the award. Enjoyed reading your answers


  5. Enjoyed reading about you! Congratulations on your Award and thank you for the nomination. Very sweet of you! 🙂


  6. You answers were great. Thanks for the nomination!


  7. Congratulations!
    And thank you so much for the nominationof FTZ … sure, we will do our best “pour redonner à l’art éphémère toutes ses lettres de noblesse”.
    Keep in touch … we have two brand-new international and collective blogs : “Voyage en éphémère” and “Graffs en Capitales”
    I you want, i can send you the links.
    Greetings from Belgium.


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