Daily Archives: August 27, 2012

Blogging Award: The Beautiful Blogger Award (second time around)

Blogging Award

beautiful-blogger-awardThank you  sarahjademcdermott for nominating me for this award.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated:  How wonderful to wake up on a Monday morning to an award from a blogging friend my website.  
Like many good things in life it evolved on  the corner of a three legged table, not even two years ago, from a burning desire to share my passion for music, photography, physical activity, and poetry, as well as trends,  I thought very important,  in the world we live in. 
I am so glad that so many of you like what I tried to make known in my posts.

This is the second Beautiful Blogger Award that I received and both within the last month.  (Visit my “Blog Awards” Page    for more info.)


1. Post seven interesting things about myself.

2.  Nominate other bloggers who I feel deserve the award.

3.  Let them know about the nomination.

4. Post this picture in the post w/ your copy paste editing options.

1.  Here are 7 things about me (no not the same you already know):

1. I like squirrels – I think that they are wonderful creatures, from which many among us would learn something from watching their playfulness.

2. If you visit, bring some mushrooms (edible) – I’ll make you something good to eat.

3. I am so happy to wake up everyday, and consider it the gift I treasure most.

4. Last time I check, I was on the market for a Treck bicycle, but ended up taking home a Cannondale  bike instead.

5. Do you know how to preserve fresh Tarragon? If not, I do.

6. Once upon a time I liked to go fishing… lately I’d rather cycle instead: Everything changed.

7. I like to make new friends.

2.  Nominate other bloggers who I feel deserve the award:

I nominate the following bloggers:

  • Eda – Her poetry is beautiful (don’t take my word for it check it instead… so what if you don’t know Romanian: Google does!)
  • Microcritters – His Critters are cool (to say nothing of the super photos of macrocritters) Again don’t take my word for it; gocheck it out for yourselves)
  • Brooke – I love her website and the beatiful posts she published in the short time since our blogs discovered  each other  Redwood, cheese, Northern California trip, honey,  all wrapped around in wonderful posts anf photos.

Thank you for visiting for a while, and leaving with a thought for this blogger!

Your enthusiasm  is the true winner of this award, as your interest, curiosity, and desire to  know are its true brain, heart, and few other internat and vital organs of this blog!

Thank you so much again!

La mort de Neil Armstrong, héros de la conquête spatiale, suscite de vibrants hommages

A true American Hero: Neil Armstrong!

Rest in Peace!


Neil Armstrong devant sa photo le 26 juillet 2005 au musée de Valence

Armstrong, qui a donné l’envie à toute une génération de conquérir les étoiles, est mort à 82 ans de complications liées à une opération cardiovasculaire survenue plus tôt dans le mois, a annoncé sa famille samedi.

Parlant d’Armstrong comme d’un “héros américain contre son gré”, ses proches ont exprimé leur espoir que son héritage encourage les jeunes gens à “travailler dur pour que leurs rêves deviennent réalité, (…) repousser les limites et servir avec abnégation une cause plus grande que la leur”.

John Glenn, 81 ans, qui a effectué le premier vol orbital américain, a salué l'”audace” d’Armstrong et rendu hommage à son humilité légendaire.

“Il n’avait pas l’impression de devoir se vendre comme une marchandise”, a déclaré l’ex-sénateur de l’Ohio à la chaîne de télévision CNN. “C’était une personne humble et il l’est resté après son vol lunaire, comme avant”.

Ce pionnier lunaire, décoré de nombreuses fois par les…

View original post 536 more words

Chris Coyier: 10 Things to make your site faster

Monday, August 27, 2012 (from Democracy Now)

Monday, August 27, 2012   (from Democracy Now)

Monday, August 27, 2012 (from Democracy Now) (Click to access program)

Election 2012: Dreams of a Vote Deferred?

People remember 1929 as the year of the stock-market crash and the beginning of the Great Depression, the global economic disaster which remains the only one in history that dwarfs the one in which we now find ourselves. It was also the year Martin Luther King Jr. was born, who wouldn’t live to see 40 years.
Petition the 2012 candidates     Here

Today’s Quotation: Excerpt from Middlemarch -George Eliot on Egotism

Excerpt from Middlemarch -George Eliot on Egotism

Excerpt from Middlemarch -George Eliot on Egotism (click to access Quotations Book)

Today’s Birthday: Charles Stewart Rolls (1877) (the Rolls-Royce Guy)

Charles Stewart Rolls (1877)


English: “Photograph of the Hon. C.S. Rolls’ autocar with HRH The Duke of York, Lord Llangattock father, Sir Charles Cust and the Hon. C.S. Rolls as occupants”, taken by John Howard Preston. Charles Stewart Rolls went on to co-found Rolls-Royce in 1904. The photograph shows ‘The Hendre’, the family’s gothic mansion in Monmouthshire. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A member of the British aristocracy, Rolls developed an interest in engines and cars while studying at Cambridge. He became the first person there to have a car—a Peugeot—and, in 1902, he went into the automobile sales business. Striking a deal with manufacturer Frederick Royce in 1906, he co-founded the Rolls-Royce automobile company, which quickly earned a reputation for its engineering. In 1910, at the age of 32, Rolls became the first Briton to die in what unusual way? More… Discuss

This Day in the Yesteryear: Edwin Drake Strikes Oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania (1859)

Edwin Drake Strikes Oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania (1859)

In the late 1850s, Drake hired a salt well driller to start digging on a piece of land near Titusville, Pennsylvania. Though oil was known to exist nearby, there was no practical way to extract it, and its primary use was in medicine. In August 1859, Drake struck oil at a depth of 69 feet (21 m), an event that marked the birth of the oil industry. Once a quiet village, Titusville became a bustling town as prospectors flocked to the area. What disaster struck the town more than once? More… Discuss