Daily Archives: April 16, 2015

LISZT Orchestral Hungarian Rhapsody No 4, Herbert von Karajan / Berliner Philharmoniker

LISZT Orchestral Hungarian Rhapsody No 4

Robert Schumann- Romanze op. 94 no. 2

Robert Schumann- Romanze op. 94 no. 2

Aram Khachaturian – Masquerade: Waltz , make music part of your life series

Aram Khachaturian – Masquerade: Waltz

best classical music: , Amilcare Ponchielli – La danza delle ore / La Danse des heures / Dance of the Hours , make music part of your life series

Amilcare Ponchielli – La danza delle ore / La Danse des heures / Dance of the Hours

Henryk Górecki – Symphony Nº3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs). Second Movement, make music part of your life series

Henryk Górecki – Symphony Nº3 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs). Second Movement.

Fifty Three-(‘Beautiful is thy wristlet,…’), Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali (from Collection of Indian Poems)


Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels. But more beautiful to me thy sword with its curve of lightning like the outspread wings of the divine bird of Vishnu, perfectly poised in the angry red light of the sunset.
It quivers like the one last response of life in ecstasy of pain at the final stroke of death; it shines like the pure flame of being burning up earthly sense with one fierce flash.
Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with starry gems; but thy sword, O lord of thunder, is wrought with uttermost beauty, terrible to behold or to think of.

Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali
(from Collection of Indian Poems)

Lazybones by Pablo Neruda (Selected Poems) (‘They will continue wandering,…I have no wish to change my planet…’)

Lazybones by Pablo Neruda

They will continue wandering,
these things of steel among the stars,
and weary men will still go up
to brutalize the placid moon.
There, they will found their pharmacies.

In this time of the swollen grape,
the wine begins to come to life
between the sea and the mountain ranges.

In Chile now, cherries are dancing,
the dark mysterious girls are singing,
and in guitars, water is shining.
The sun is touching every door
and making wonder of the wheat.

The first wine is pink in colour,
is sweet with the sweetness of a child,
the second wine is able-bodied,
strong like the voice of a sailor,
the third wine is a topaz, is
a poppy and a fire in one.

My house has both the sea and the earth,
my woman has great eyes
the colour of wild hazelnut,
when night comes down, the sea
puts on a dress of white and green,
and later the moon in the spindrift foam
dreams like a sea-green girl.

I have no wish to change my planet.


Words of wisdom.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

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From NPR News

Mad Cow Disease In Texas Man Has Mysterious Origin http://n.pr/1DjJWwi

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Posthumous book by French satirist

Posthumous book by French satirist http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32325884

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Can IS looting be stopped?

Can IS looting be stopped? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32329681

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Dreaming of Uighuristan

Dreaming of Uighuristan http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32337643

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Germany warns Greece over credit

Germany warns Greece over credit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-32335758

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Wikileaks publishes Sony documents

Wikileaks publishes Sony documents http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32343268

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Yemen port: Empty streets, shelling and fear

Yemen port: Empty streets, shelling and fear

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Ghitis: What jihadis plan for women

Ghitis: What jihadis plan for women

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The ISIS terror threat

The ISIS terror threat

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Italian police: Christians thrown overboard

From CNN:  Italian police: Christians thrown overboard

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From NPR News: the Chinese Mexican cuisine…

The Chinese-Mexican Cuisine Born Of U.S. Prejudice http://n.pr/1JI86Tm

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From NPR News: the fancy went to Spain and Africa Meet

The Fences Where Spain And Africa Meet http://n.pr/1xuT2S3

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From BBC news : UN urges action to save migrants

UN urges action to save migrants http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-32314263

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From BBC news : How octopuses coordinate their arms

How octopuses coordinate their arms http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-32319705

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From BBC news : Man ‘planned to kill US soldiers’

Man ‘planned to kill US soldiers’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32341305

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From BBC news : New York approves slavery monument

New York approves slavery monument http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32340683

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From BBC news : Migrants killed in ‘religious clash’

Migrants killed in ‘religious clash’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32337725

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With Iraqi Christians besieged, these are the priests and nuns who choose to stay :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

With Iraqi Christians besieged, these are the priests and nuns who choose to stay

Sister Suhama in Alqosh, Iraq in April 2015. Credit: Aid to the Church in Need.

High-profile Rome exorcist: ‘ISIS is Satan’ (Click to access the article)

priests and nuns who choose to stay

Sister Suhama in Alqosh, Iraq in April 2015. Credit: Aid to the Church in Need.

Sister Suhama in Alqosh, Iraq in April 2015. Credit: Aid to the Church in Need.

By Oliver Maksan

Alqosh, Iraq, Apr 15, 2015 / 04:31 am (Aid to the Church in Need).- “At night we often hear gunfire,” says Father Steven, a priest in Alqosh, Iraq.

“But luckily we are quite a bit away from the fighting,” he adds. In fact, as the crow flies, the town of Alqosh is only 10 miles away from the front line, where the heavily armed Kurdish Peshmerga forces and ISIS fighters are facing off.

When the weather is good, you can see the Christian towns on the Nineveh Plane that are now under ISIS control.

“Back there is my village, Batnaya,” the Chaldean priest says, pointing in the direction of the once-Christian community. “I was the last to leave Batnaya. The jihadists arrived shortly thereafter.”

Dozens of priests and religious have become homeless in the past year as a result of the ISIS offensive. They have not only lost their convents, churches and monasteries, but also schools and children’s homes – the entire infrastructure of an apostolate built up over many years.

“We lost 23 of our monasteries and houses,” Sister Suhama tells international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. The Dominican nun now lives in a development of terraced houses near Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan.

“We were 26 nuns in Qaraqosh alone. We led a flourishing community life there. Some of our sisters are having trouble getting over the loss. At night they dream of soon being able to return.”

via With Iraqi Christians besieged, these are the priests and nuns who choose to stay :: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

With Iraqi Christians besieged, these are the priests and nuns who choose to stay :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

priests and nuns who choose to stay

Sister Suhama in Alqosh, Iraq in April 2015. Credit: Aid to the Church in Need.

Sister Suhama in Alqosh, Iraq in April 2015. Credit: Aid to the Church in Need.

By Oliver Maksan

Alqosh, Iraq, Apr 15, 2015 / 04:31 am (Aid to the Church in Need).- “At night we often hear gunfire,” says Father Steven, a priest in Alqosh, Iraq.

“But luckily we are quite a bit away from the fighting,” he adds. In fact, as the crow flies, the town of Alqosh is only 10 miles away from the front line, where the heavily armed Kurdish Peshmerga forces and ISIS fighters are facing off.

When the weather is good, you can see the Christian towns on the Nineveh Plane that are now under ISIS control.

“Back there is my village, Batnaya,” the Chaldean priest says, pointing in the direction of the once-Christian community. “I was the last to leave Batnaya. The jihadists arrived shortly thereafter.”

Dozens of priests and religious have become homeless in the past year as a result of the ISIS offensive. They have not only lost their convents, churches and monasteries, but also schools and children’s homes – the entire infrastructure of an apostolate built up over many years.

“We lost 23 of our monasteries and houses,” Sister Suhama tells international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. The Dominican nun now lives in a development of terraced houses near Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan.

“We were 26 nuns in Qaraqosh alone. We led a flourishing community life there. Some of our sisters are having trouble getting over the loss. At night they dream of soon being able to return.”

via With Iraqi Christians besieged, these are the priests and nuns who choose to stay :: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

Best Classical Music:, “Debussy: La Mer – 2. Play of the Waves (Jeux de vagues)” by London Symphony Orchestra, make music part of your life series

Debussy – La Mer

Best Classical music: Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov, Les Ruses d’amour, Op. 61, Introduction et Scene I, Iasi Moldova Philharmonic Orchestra, Horia Andreescu, make music part of your life series

Alexander Konstantinovich Glazunov, Les Ruses d’amour, Op. 61, Introduction et Scene I

Saint of the Day for Thursday, April 16th, 2015: St. Bernadette

today’s picture: The Little Tramp

The Little Tramp

Producer, director, composer and silent movie comedian Charlie Chaplin was born in London on April 16, 1889, into a family of music hall performers. Visiting America with a touring company in 1913, Chaplin was cast in his first film, “Making a Living”. Although historians are not certain when the ‘little tramp’ was created, Chaplin remains most readily identified with that beloved character. This photo, showing Chaplin with child star Jackie Coogan, is from the sentimental 1921 film “The Kid”. Chaplin died in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland, on December 25, 1977.

Image: National Archives

– See more at: http://www.historynet.com/picture-of-the-day#sthash.N2uNhh7X.dpuf

today’s holiday: Emancipation Day (Washington, D.C.)

Emancipation Day (Washington, D.C.)

In Washington, DC, April 16th is celebrated as Emancipation Day, commemorating the day in 1862 when President Abraham Lincoln signed into law the District of Columbia Emancipation Act, nine months prior to the Emancipation Proclamation. More than 3,000 slaves were freed under this agreement. Since 2005, the date has been a legal holiday in the District. Events are scheduled throughout the preceding week, and the observance culminates on the 16th in a day of festivities and entertainment, beginning with a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in the morning. More… Discuss

quotation: Always desire to learn something useful. Sophocles (496 BC-406 BC)

Always desire to learn something useful.

Sophocles (496 BC-406 BC) Discuss

today’s birthday: Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755)

Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun (1755)

Recognized as the most important female painter of the 18th century, Vigée-Lebrun began painting portraits professionally in her early teens and went on to have a long and successful career. In 1779, she was summoned to Versailles to paint Marie Antoinette, whom she would paint at least 30 more times. At the outbreak of the French Revolution, she fled France and traveled abroad, finding acclaim and prominent sitters wherever she went. Which notable figures did she paint during her travels? More… Discuss

this day in the yesteryear: Masada Falls to the Romans, Ending Jewish Revolt (73 CE)

Masada Falls to the Romans, Ending Jewish Revolt (73 CE)

Masada is an ancient mountaintop fortress in Israel’s Judaean Desert. In 66 CE, with the outbreak of the Jewish war against Rome, the Zealots, an extremist Jewish sect, seized the fortress in a surprise attack and massacred its Roman garrison. After the fall of Jerusalem, Masada, the last remnant of Jewish rule, refused to surrender. Masada remained under Zealot control until 73 CE, when, after months of siege, the Romans finally breached the walls. What did they discover when they entered? More… Discuss

Foot Binding

Foot Binding

Foot binding originated during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in the wealthiest parts of China. By the end of the practice’s thousand-year history, it had spread to all classes and was viewed as a status symbol. Young girls’ feet were wrapped in tight bandages that restricted growth, causing breakage and deformity. Most often, the men that foot binding was intended to impress would never see the woman’s bare feet, as they were concealed within tiny “lotus shoes.” When and why did the practice end? More… Discuss

word: grovel


Definition: (verb) To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility.
Synonyms: cower, cringe, fawn
Usage: The prisoners groveled before the emperor, hoping that he would commute their sentences. Discuss.

From France 24 : Vietnam War victim brings Agent Orange makers to court

Vietnam War victim brings Agent Orange makers to court


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Book by Charlie Hebdo editor Charb published posthumously


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Australian model, DJ killed fighting for ISIS

Australian model, DJ killed fighting for ISIS

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UN envoy quits as Yemen crisis rages

UN envoy quits as Yemen crisis rages http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-32333046

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Business live: 16 April 2015

Business live: 16 April 2015 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/business-32252539

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Indian companies shun Internet.org

Indian companies shun Internet.org http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-32334181

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Putin condemns Kiev over ‘blockade’

Putin condemns Kiev over ‘blockade’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32332433

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Pro-Russian journalist killed in Kiev

Pro-Russian journalist killed in Kiev http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32337621

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