Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11

He lied about everything.
Why? Because It is his job!

Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News

Cheney Admits that He Lied about 9/11

Created on Friday, 08 March 2013 18:45


What Else Did He Lie About?

The New York Times

In a documentary soon to appear on Showtime, “The World According to Dick Cheney,” [Cheney said]  “I got on the telephone with the president, who was in Florida, and told him not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept W. flying aimlessly in the air on 9/11 while he and Lynn left on a helicopter for a secure undisclosed location, leaving Washington in a bleak, scared silence, with no one reassuring the nation in those first terrifying hours.

“I gave the instructions that we’d authorize our pilots to take it out,” he says, referring to the jet headed to Washington that crashed in a Pennsylvania field. He adds: “After I’d given the order, it was pretty quiet…

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