Daily Archives: March 14, 2013

Floral Portrait (my photo Collection)

Green-Peaceful Blades (my photo Collection)

Floral Portrait (my photo Collection)


Green-Peaceful Blades (my photo Collection)

Green-Peaceful Blades (my photo Collection)

At the Water Tank

Wild Flowers: Contrasts (my photo Collection)

The water Tank Trail (My photo Collection)

The water Tank Trail

The water Tank Trail

At the Water Tank

At the Water Tank


One-on-one Training (My photo Collection)…..(Disclaimer: Nobody got hurt during the…Shoot!)

This gallery contains 8 photos.


Black Bird: “Ops: I’m not in the shade…anymore!” (My Photo Collection) Taken Today and Still digitally fresh

Black Bird: "I'm in the shade..."

Black Bird: “I’m in the shade…”

Black Bird: "I'm still in the shade..."

Black Bird: “I’m still in the shade…”

Black Bird: "Ops: I'm not in the shade...anymore!"

Black Bird: “Ops: I’m not in the shade…anymore!”

On Turnbull Cyn. Trail-1 and 2 (my ©Photo Collection)

On Turnbull Cyn. Trail

On Turnbull Cyn. Trail

On Turnbull Cyn. Trail-2

On Turnbull Cyn. Trail-2

Who are you Mr President Nigel Farage asks Van Rompuy



Regina Spektor – Ballad of a Politician – (live at Royal Albert Hall)
1080p HD video / stereo sound

*Va Place?*

DA, imi place!

Samuel Bacharach: Leadership traits

All one has to do is to look in the doings of today’s 100% leaders, decide that they are nothing but self serving hypocrites, and ruthless politicians, that hey lack any compassion, and wisdom, to understand the place humanity finds itself today!

C. S. Lewis: Christianity

Hear, Hear!

73/365: National Potato Chip Day

This is the day nobody touches potatoe chips? Good job, Stay off junk food!

Eat My Words

If you’re feeling salty, your mood is sure to improve today. We celebrate one of the most popular snack foods in America: it’s National Potato Chip Day!

Potato chips actually started out as a joke. One evening in August, 1853, a diner at a restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York was unhappy with his meal. He complained that his potatoes were too thick, soggy, and bland, and kept sending them back to the chef, George Crum. After trying to appease the customer several times (and probably hawking a loogie in his food at some point), Crum had had enough. He decided to slice the potatoes as thinly as possible, fry them until they were crisp, and season them with extra salt. The trick backfired when the customer loved them, and suddenly the restaurant had a new hit item on their menu called Saratoga Chips. In 1910, Mike-sells Potato Chip Company…

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Anti-austerity demonstration in Brussels

In Brussels of all places: EU president Herman van Rompuy gotta have a Nigel Farage kind of day! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video says about itself:

European trade union rally – Speech by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary

14 March 2013 — 15,000 people gathered in Brussels to say no to austerity and yes to jobs.

“#140313Youth – Together for a better future: No to austerity! Yes to jobs for young people!” European trade union action.

More info: http://www.etuc.org/a/10843

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Workers protest in Brussels

Thursday 14 March 2013

Thousands of workers protest in Brussels today to demand that EU leaders bring an end to austerity measures and instead focus on boosting growth and reducing unemployment.

The demonstration vented frustration over years of EU-imposed austerity that unions and economists say is worsening the recession and driving more people into unemployment and poverty.

“The policies that have been put in place have failed,” said European Trade Union Confederation general secretary Bernadette Segol.

“We see that the…

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Stairway to Heaven

Rodrigo Y Gabriela: The road not paved with gems, brought them to unprecedented excellence!


stairway to heaven

Keep quiet
Don’t say a word
Tonight I take you away
On a path never tried
We will get our soles full of stardust
The Sun will laugh loud
And the Moon will be astonished
As we step into the sky
With your big child amazed eyes
My hand holding yours
Will drag you up
On the stairway to Heaven.

memyselfandela, 2013

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Everything is in the detail: The sooner one realizes that, the sooner one can be on the way to wisdom: Take in the detail, always!


You have the best of Dinu Lipatti! Wonderful music, world class pianist…So sad that his life was tragically taken away to the big C: I wonder what chances of survival would’ve had, if he were a contemporary?


night falls again on us
unspoken silence
tenderness never imagined
in the rhythm of
your heart chasing mine
no, I won’t write any poems
I’m a nobody
I’ll just let the music of our souls
dance around
in lost attics
on rainy windows
we are one

loversmemyselfandela. 2013


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Senator Feinstein says She’s Smarter Than a 6th Grader

She may be smarter, but she sure lost her inner-child somewhere in the course of “politics as I want it campaign after campaign! (“Live the lie until the lie becomes your life- Nikita”)

Three Cheers for Governor Bobby Jindal’s Plan to Abolish the Income Tax

Ideals are for humanists! Reality belongs to the in-humanists! There is no middle ground, because in-humanists bulldozed it during their WAR ON PEACE!

What’s Your Greatest Desire?

Good Questions: Everybody should ask oneself, once in a while; The more often, and ahead of time, the best!

Peppergrass_Rattlesnake_Fireman-Tank-Tower_Captured-from_ Water-Tank (Easterly)_Turnbull Natural Preserve Area-1 (©my photography collection

Peppergrass_Rattlesnake_Fireman-Tank-Tower_Captured-from_ Water-Tank (Easterly)_Turnbull Natural Preserve Area-1

Peppergrass_Rattlesnake_Fireman-Tank-Tower_Captured-from_ Water-Tank (Easterly)_Turnbull Natural Preserve Area-1

Photos taken Today, March 14, 2013, with Nikon D-5000, AF200: ediied with MS Picture Editor, Stitched with Canon software; Captions with Fast Stone Picture Editor: UFFFFFF…quite a task, but well worth the effort! 🙂


“National affluence cannot be measured by how many new 707 one can buy, but how many mouths everyone can feed on a  commoner’s earning!  It’s not about “The lives of the rich and famous”, its about YOUR LIFE, after the rick and famous gambled theirs responsibly .

Responsibly yours,


French-ex President Sarkozy loses free speech case

Quad on es con, on est con…

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This French video, from when Nicolas Sarkozy was still president of France, shows Sarkozy saying to a non-Sarkozy supporting farmer: “Casse-toi, alors, pauvre con” (Piss off, asshole).

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Court criticizes penalty for insulting Sarkozy

Updated: Thursday, 14 March 2013, 11:42

The European Court of Human Rights has admonished France about the conviction of a man who had insulted President Sarkozy. The man had put a sign next to the car of the president, saying “Piss off, asshole.”

The man appealed against the 30 euros fine. The judges in Strasbourg have found that the action by the man is freedom of expression and that the punishment is disproportionate.

The text on the anti-Sarkozy sign was the literal repetition of the insult by Sarkozy of someone who had refused to shake his hand.

See also here.

Nicolas Sarkozy to Go Work for Qatar…

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Egypt and Muslim Brotherhood Denounce U.N. Document Calling For Protection Of Women As Contrary To Islamic Principles

halal revolutie!


150px-muslim_woman_in_yemenEgypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian diplomats denounced the United Nation’s document calling for the protection of women as contrary to Islamic principles and Egypt is demanding that the resolution include an exception for countries that view the provisions are contrary to their values. The Egyptians called the document “deceitful” and the ruin of traditional families.

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Introducing the New Learn.WordPress.com

Very nice

WordPress.com News

New to WordPress.com and don’t know where to start? Looking for just the right theme, or wondering how to use all the features in your dashboard? Interested in creating a website, not a blog? Or perhaps you’re ready to do more on your site, from adding image galleries to using built-in tools to connect with the community — and the world.

On our new WordPress.com tutorial site, learn.wordpress.com, you can get the help you need to create the site you want and get it up and running right away.

Learn — our WordPress.com tutorial site — gets a facelift!

We’ve completely revamped and reimagined learn.wordpress.com with lots of new content to help you get the most out of your WordPress.com site, including detailed guides to tasks like:

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A real treat: NO ache no pain…Actually it’s the opposite: lesser pain with few extra steps!

Pursuit of Life

“Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best exercise.” Carrie Latet

griffithfriend (1 of 1)

griffith101 (1 of 1)The Los Angeles region is blessed with both a nearly perfect climate, boasting an average of 329 days of sunshine per year and a vast array of natural beauty. Because of this and because of the numerous mountain ranges in the region, hiking opportunities abound.

There are numerous places in the San Gabriel and Santa Monica mountains to engage in lengthy hikes, but there is also Griffith Park right in the middle of the city itself. The park, which is actually the very western edge of the Santa Monica range is perfect for a morning or evening jog or hike, when one hasn’t the time to drive a bit further.

griffith1 (1 of 1)

griffith4 (1 of 1)


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Quotation: L. Frank Baum about a having a heart

I think you are wrong to want a heart. It makes most people unhappy. If you only knew it, you are in luck not to have a heart.

L. Frank Baum (1856-1919) Discuss

Today’s Birthday: FERDINAND HODLER (1853) a Painter

Ferdinand Hodler (1853)

By the time Hodler was a teenager, tuberculosis had killed much of his family. Having been trained in the basics of painting by his stepfather, the orphaned Hodler—imbued with a strong sense of mortality—became one of the most important Swiss painters of his time. He evolved a powerful means of expression with strong rhythmic patterns and a tight linear structure, which he called “parallelism.” In the months leading up to January of 1915, Hodler made a series of paintings documenting what? More… Discuss

This Day in the Yesteryear: LAKEVIEW GUSHER STARTS SPEWING OIL (1910)

Lakeview Gusher Starts Spewing Oil (1910)

Modern oil-drilling technology includes safety features such as blowout preventers, but when the Lakeview Gusher exploded in 1910, such safeguards were nonexistent. The result was one of the largest oil spills in history. Located in Kern County, California, the out-of-control oil well created rivers of crude oil that workers rushed to contain with makeshift dams. Though it never caught fire, it eventually released some 9 million barrels of oil. When was it finally brought under control? More… Discuss


Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio Elected Pope

After five rounds of voting over the course of two days, the College of Cardinals elected Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church. The 76-year-old is the first non-European pontiff in more than a millennium and the first Latin American pope in the Church’s history. He will henceforth be known as Pope Francis I. Shortly after the announcement of his election was made, the new pope made his first public address. From a balcony overlooking St. Peter’s Square, he greeted the assembled crowd and asked for the people’s prayers.More… Discuss



Backpacking is an outdoor activity that combines hiking and camping. Because backpackers must carry all of their own supplies for food and shelter, backpacking excursions involve fewer comforts than traditional camping trips. On the other hand, because backpackers can remain in the wilderness overnight and resume hiking each morning, they are able to access remote areas of wilderness that are inaccessible by car or too distant for day-hikers to reach. What dangers do backpackers face? More… Discuss