Daily Archives: March 29, 2013

Kill Bill Vol. 2 – Esteban Vihaio (Michael Parks) still rocks!

theGuardian: Ecuador raises Julian Assange case with Labour

the Guardian - Ecuador raises Julian Assange case with Labour

the Guardian – Ecuador raises Julian Assange case with Labour (click to access article at theGuardian)



Newfound iMessage security issue spams, crashes app


CNET- Newfound iMessage

CNET- Newfound iMessage (Click to access Article)


A reported attack method can target Apple’s iMessage service and flood it with messages. So far it remains highly isolated.

Josh Lowensohn

 March 29, 2013 5:20 PM PDT

North Korea’s Dangerous Game

Passing Through . . . .

The Korean Crisis: Kim’s Dangerous Game

Posted by Evan Osnos

Because we do not generally associate the Russian political class with understatement, it was easy to miss Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov’s observation, this week, that things in North Korea could potentially “descend into the spiral of a vicious cycle.” If the Russians—who have vastly more knowledge of the new North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, than we do—are concerned that things are about to get worse, we should brace for a long spring.

The crisis on the Korean peninsula has descended so steadily, amid so many other hot zones competing for attention, and with such a sense of déjà vu about it, that it’s easy to lose sight of how North Korea’s threats to the United States and South Korea are now being made, as Scott Snyder of the Council on Foreign Relations put it, on “unprecedented levels and…

View original post 878 more words

NORAH JONES Rosie´s Lullaby ( Live in Spain )

Uploaded on Jul 31, 2010

Live in Spain, ( 2007 )

She walked by the ocean,
And waited for a star,
To carry her away.

Feelin’ so small,
At the bottom of the world,
Lookin’ up to God.

She tries to take deep breaths,
To smell the salty sea,
As it moves over her feet.

The water pulls so strong,
And no-one is around,
And the moon is looking down.

Rosie – come with me,
Close your eyes – and dream.

The big ships are rollin’,
And lightin’ up the night,
And she calls out, but they just her pass by.

The waves are crashin’,
But not making a sound,
Just mouthing along.

Rosie – come with me,
Close your eyes and dream,
Close your eyes and dream,
Close your eyes and dream.

Catherine Feeny – Touch Back Down

The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class (Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren): the Culture of credit is not the problem! The problem is the lack of regulating the Interest Rate!

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2008

Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches contract law, bankruptcy, and commercial law at Harvard Law School. She is an outspoken critic of America‘s credit economy, which she has linked to the continuing rise in bankruptcy among the middle-class. Series: “UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures” [6/2007] [Public Affairs] [Business] [Show ID: 12620]

The Concept of Race (Before and after MONSANTO) with Richard Lewontin at UC Berkeley


Uploaded on Jan 31, 2008

In this Hitchcock Lecture from UC Berkeley, evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin reviews a number of studies on the genetic differentiation between individuals within local populations, of local populations within classic geographical races and between races. He shows that almost all human genetic variation is contained between individuals within any local population and that the consequences of repeated migrations, invasions, and mixture between groups destroys any clear racial boundaries. Series: UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures [2/2004] [Humanities] [Science] [Show ID: 8456]

credo in unum deum – closing mass of the synod of bishops – 28.10.2012 (2)

Published on Nov 10, 2012

papst benedikt feiert abschlussmesse der bischofssynode im oktober 2012

santa messa per la conclusione del sinodo dei vescovi – presiede il santo padre benedetto XVI


Profession of Faith                                                      Credo

A:  We believe in one God,                A:  Credo in unum Deum,
      the Father, the Almighty,                 Patrem omnipotèntem, 
      maker of heaven and earth,                factòrem caeli et terrae,
      of all that is seen and unseen.           visibìlium òmnium 
                                                  et invisibìlium.

    We believe in one Lord,                   Et in unum Dòminum Jesum Christum,
      Jesus Christ,                             Fìlium Dei unigènitum,
      the only Son of God,                      et ex Patre natum 
      eternally begotten of the Father,           ante òmnia sàecula
      God from God, Light from Light,           Deum de Deo, lumen de lùmine,
      true God from true God,                   Deum verum de Deo vero,
      begotten, not made,                       gènitum, non factum,
        one in Being with the Father.             consubstantiàlem Patri:
    Through him all things were made.           per quem omnia facta sunt.
    For us men and our salvation,             Qui propter nos hòmines et propter
      he came down from heaven:               nostram salùtem descèndit de caelis.

    (All bow during these three lines)        (All bow during these three lines)
    by the power of the Holy Spirit,          Et incarnàtus est de Spìritu Sancto 
      he was born of the Virgin Mary,           ex Marìa Vìrgine, 
      and became man.                           et homo factus est.

    For our sake he was crucified             Crucifìxus etiam 
      under Pontius Pilate,                     pro nobis sub Pòntio Pilàto; 
      he suffered, died and was buried.         passus et sepùltus est, 
      On the third day he rose again            et resurrèxit tèrtia die, 
      in fulfillment of the Scriptures;           secundum Scriptùras, 
      he ascended into heaven                   et ascèndit in caelum, 
        and is seated at the right hand           sedet ad dèxteram 
        of the Father.                           Patris.
    He will come again in glory                Et ìterum ventùras est cum glòria, 
      to judge the living and the dead,           iudicàre vivos et mòrtuos, 
      and his kingdom will have no end.         cuius regni non erit finis.    We believe in the Holy Spirit,            Et in Spìritum Sanctum, 
        the Lord, the giver of life,              Dòminum et vivificàntem: 
      who proceeds from the Father              qui ex Patre Filiòque procèdit.  
        and the Son.                            Qui cum Patre et Fìlio 
      With the Father and the Son                 simul adoràtur 
        he is worshipped and glorified.           et conglorifcàtur: 
      He has spoken through                     qui locùtus est 
        the Prophets.                             per prophètas.
      We believe in one holy catholic           Et unam, sanctam, cathòlicam, 
        and apostolic Church.                     et apostòlicum Ecclèsiam.  
      We acknowledge one baptism                Confiteor unum baptìsma 
        for the forgiveness of sins.              in remissiònem peccatòrum.  
      We look for the resurrection              Et exspècto resurrectiònem 
        of the dead,                              mortuòrum, 
        and the life of the                     et vitam 
        world to come.  Amen.                     ventùri sàeculi.  Amen.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Find the Latin Liturgy Association  HERE

Cat Stevens – Boy with a moon and star on his head

ploaded on Dec 12, 2009

Cat stevens/Yusuf performing “Boy With A Moon And Star On His Head” live in boston 1975.. not my photos, mostly taken from http://www.majicat.com

Catherine Feeny – Mr. Blue

Uploaded on Aug 2, 2007

Album: Hurricane Glass (Tallgrass/Charisma)
Director: Graydon Sheppard (Revolver Film Co.)

North Korea has the deadliest level of Christian persecution in the world

Uploaded on Feb 7, 2012

The only worship that is allowed is that of the “dear leader” Kim Jong-Il and his father Kim Il-Sung. In North Korea, every other religious activity is labeled an act of insurrection against North Korean … (Rescue Christians.org)


Prophetic Signs We are In the Last Days (Israel) – Part 2 (VIDEOS!!)

And Christians are still persecuted right now, today, somewhere in the world!

Hot Cross Buns and Downright Angry Buns!

Visit Hetterbell’s rest for a while, try one of her cross Buns! You’l love it!


God made everything in 7 days…then on the 7th, he made by mistake and made…MONSANTO!

Crucify Him

Religious dissent has been always treated as an offence, political offence, by the oppressor, and aggressor alike. What happens nowadays to the Christians in Egypt, the persecution, slaughter of so many Christians? And Why?

A p r o n h e a d -- Lilly Green

(The music starts 22 seconds in.)

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Daily Prompt: Trading Places

I think, especially for those having only siblings of the same sex, or being only child, that is the most close to home desire we all had…Why? Because it is the most fundamental difference in our make, and that makes us so different: men are from Mars! Visit Sisyphus, to read more stories, subscribe to his paper.li, for more great ideas and news!

Easter in Rome

Interesting view on Rome, as always from no other but Lost in town!


I’m back ….
Rome is crowded to welcome the new Pope Francesco!
Walking is even more beautiful ….


Walking from one neighborhood to another,


exploring ancient treasures, between the sacred and the profane..


among street artists,


walking, walking is the best way to visit Rome…


or you’ll miss the most curious corners, through the streets of the historic center …


…and Happy Easter!

View original post

Who Inspired “the Other” Rosa Parks?

Published on Mar 29, 2013

Watch the full 35-minute interview with Claudette Colvin on Democracy Now! at http://owl.li/jzCaV. Claudette Colvin was the first person arrested for resisting bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama, in March 1955. Her refusal to give up her seat to a white person came nine months before Rosa Parks and helped spark the historic Montgomery Bus Boycott. It was her case before the U.S. Supreme Court that led to the desegregation of the Alabama bus system. Speaking to Democracy Now!, Colvin lists the African-American figures who inspired her historic, but overlooked, act of defiance.

Watch the full interview, read the transcript and order a copy of this interview at http://owl.li/jzCaV.

Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,100+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Check out our vast news archive and stream live 8-9am ET athttp://www.democracynow.org.

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Rebecca Black on X-Factor (PROOF she can SING!)

Friday – Rebecca Black – Official Music Video

This is the one and only official version of Rebecca Black’s “Friday” music video.

Quotation: Lucy Maud Montgomery on friendship

Thank goodness, we can choose our friends. We have to take our relatives as they are.

Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) Discus

Today’s Birthday: SAM WALTON (1918) the walmart guy

Sam Walton (1918)

Born in Oklahoma and raised in Missouri during the Great Depression, Walton opened his first five-and-dime franchise in Arkansas in 1945. Seventeen years later, he opened his first Wal-Mart and began developing the Wal-Mart company into a national chain of massive, centrally controlled discount stores in small towns. By the time Walton died in 1992, his family was the wealthiest in the US, and Wal-Mart had become the country’s largest retailer. How was Walton forced out of his first store?More… Discuss



Routledge Expedition Arrives at Easter Island (1914)

Today known by its traditional name of Rapa Nui, Easter Island is one of the most remote inhabited locations on Earth. The first study of the island by outsiders was undertaken by British archaeologist Katherine Routledge, who spent 16 months on Rapa Nui studying its indigenous Polynesian culture. She interviewed residents and catalogued the island’s now-famous stone statues. Her scholarship proved to be invaluable to later researchers. Why did Routledge‘s husband eventually have her kidnapped? More… Discuss


Cyber Attack to Blame for Slow Surfing

A massive cyber attack targeting a European spam-fighting groupdid more than just slow its target to a crawl. The unprecedentedDistributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, which involves flooding a target network with so many requests that regular traffic is either slowed or completely interrupted, actually slowed the entire Internet. At times, the data stream reached peaks of 300 Gbps(gigabits per second), a threefold increase from a 2010 DDos attack that previously held the distinction of being the largest of its kind in history. More… Discuss



Though technically classified as a blue supergiant, Naos is not a particularly large star, with a radius only about 11 times larger than that of our Sun. It is, however, an exceptionally hot and bright star—one of the brightest in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is noted for its unusually fast rotation and extremely strong stellar wind. In fact, were Naos to take the place of the Sun at the center of our solar system, it would likely vaporize the Earth. How old is Naos estimated to be? More…Discuss