The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class (Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren): the Culture of credit is not the problem! The problem is the lack of regulating the Interest Rate!

Uploaded on Jan 31, 2008

Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren teaches contract law, bankruptcy, and commercial law at Harvard Law School. She is an outspoken critic of America‘s credit economy, which she has linked to the continuing rise in bankruptcy among the middle-class. Series: “UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures” [6/2007] [Public Affairs] [Business] [Show ID: 12620]

2 responses to “The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class (Distinguished law scholar Elizabeth Warren): the Culture of credit is not the problem! The problem is the lack of regulating the Interest Rate!

  1. Absolutely rivetting lecture. Horrifying figures. And in the eight years since she spoke things have got infinitely worse, and not just in the US – UK too, I don’t know about elsewhere…..but Spain, Greece, Ireland., Cyprus, …must all be part of the pattern…
    Thank you for that George – very valuable and informative


    • I’m glad I was able to track it down, and that you liked it: When we look at the predictions from the past, we see better the reality of today…while forecast are still nothing but guesswork. of course it is a pattern, it is the destruction of society at the hands of the oligarchy. Cold was was about balance, and showing off, about who’s more responsible, Cold war was followed bu this vicious hot war against decency, humanity and moral values!

      THanks for th efeedback Valerie! as always very welcome!


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