From a Hilltop (Poetic thought by George-B)

From a Hilltop (Poetic thought by George-B)

From this height I can see the cities bellow,
partially obscured By a fine curtain of tasteless,
yellow-brownish smoke…
I’m immersed in it as well,
but a false sense of security overrides the sad fact
Otherwise, oh, what a splendid sight:There is Whittier,
and further down South Pomona, El Monte, Downey;

Towards the ocean Downtown LA, Hollywood and Santa Monica:
Over there, an airplane seems to shoulder its way toward an airport
And an helicopter, turns in mile-large circles over 605 Fwy
while cars are shining in both directions,
tiny as ants, in ever towering traffic.
Here is Rose Hills, a place where silence is as habitual,
As the presence of birds in the skies.

A wondrous place, a hilltop, so many things to take in,
So many things to try not to forget,
so many trails, so little time to rest. 

2 responses to “From a Hilltop (Poetic thought by George-B)

  1. It sounds like heaven looking down on an earth gone mad, thank you for sharing


    • Thank you INFP for your introspect in my vision from the hilltop: It is true: Just an hour away from it all, you become so detached from the world’s pulse, as if it all mixes in a completely new reality, that can be witnessed with a new appreciation!
      You watched the other video I posted (about the mountain bike trail at Turnbull Canyon.It starts at a water Tower. That tank is pretty closed (about 1/3 mile) from the Rattlesnake hilltop I was making my video from, I noticed that there is a bike in your photo, and I guess you enjoy doing some biking. Myself, I stay on the road and as much as possible away from streets, with or without bike lanes. I’m glad you appreciated this post, enough to give it such a accurate characterization. I hope to hear from you again!


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