Do as I do…


“The Storyteller”…

When I see this photograph, I see a father heron, very animated in relating a bedtime story to his young chicks who are totally enthralled with the story…  Anthropomorphic, and I say, Why not?

When it comes to “anthropomorphism”- applying human traits to non human entities in this case animals, I say, give animals the benefit of doubt before taking away that “right” to a trait we humans claim as ours alone. 

All you have to see are young animals playing and you realize that they are individuals with personalities and yes, even though many of these play lessons are learning skills needed to survive in this world, there is more to it than just that. I once witnessed two fawns playing tag with each other and a bunny joined in with the three of them chasing each other around the yard, clearly having fun. If that, and that is only one of many times I’ve witnessed animals having fun, than why not take it further. Clearly animals communicate with their young, is it so inconceivable that they could add a bit of “fun” in with that communication, and be what we view as a “storyteller”?

“The Storyteller” is a bit of a reach in this photograph however, as in actuality the father is coming in for a landing and the chicks are always attentive to a parent returning… but considering there is so much we don’t know about animal behavior… isn’t it a nice reminder to be open minded to the possibilities of much more.

This photograph, only cropped slightly and slight noise reduction, otherwise untouched was taken at “the pond” a few evenings ago at sunset.

Please do share. Prints of this image and others available at my website, Feel free to “follow” my page if you want to see more of my work. This image was taken with a Nikon D500, Nikon 600mm f4 FL lens and 2X teleconverter. Photograph taken in central NY, USA. Copyright Pamela Underhill Karaz, all rights reserved.

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