From Erin Brockovich : The United States Capitol Office Building Drinking Water is contaminated with high lead levels

The United States Capitol Office Building Drinking Water is contaminated with high lead levels. This is no joke… Washington DC has been repeatedly failing to compile with simple Drinking Water regulation for years. They just completed a chlorine system burnout just this month ( a major contributing factor) and ignored my repeated warnings.

Emergency Bottled Water is being distributed to Congress today.

It is 2016… the week of the 4th of July holiday, Congress has recessed… and the the TRUTH is exposed… the Capitol of the United States of America is suffering from lead poisoning, and likely many more toxic contaminants.

When will we learn? Sadly, even with my voice… I am powerless. I cannot get the Office of Drinking Water to pay the least bit of attention… they are off on a roadshow or a government paid junket there… getting or giving awards to each other for a “job well done”…

Keep fiddling boys… Rome is burning.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that no level of lead is safe for human consumption. At high exposure levels, it can cause nervous system problems, developmental issues and brain and kidney damage.

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