Scientists Officially Link Processed Foods To Autoimmune Disease

And who knows exactly how many types of cancer, and yet the wheels of deceit, keep on spinning, without hope in sight!

Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News

March 7, 2013 by APRIL McCARTHY
Prevent Disease .com

The modern diet of processed foods, takeaways and microwave meals could be to blame for a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, including alopecia, asthma and eczema.

A team of scientists from Yale University in the U.S and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, in Germany, say junk food diets could be partly to blame.

‘This study is the first to indicate that excess refined and processed salt may be one of the environmental factors driving the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases,’ they said.

Junk foods at fast food restaurants as well as processed foods at grocery retailers represent the largest sources of sodium intake from refined salts.

The Canadian Medical Association Journal sent out an international team of researchers to compare the salt content of 2,124 items from fast food establishments such as Burger King, Domino’s Pizza, Kentucky Fried…

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2 responses to “Scientists Officially Link Processed Foods To Autoimmune Disease

  1. That is unfortunately the case and all under the watchful eye of the very same officials that are entrusted with our safety. ~sigh~

    Thank you for the re-blog 🙂


    • They are the culprits, they allow the laws to be written, they have the power to implement such sacrileges acts to the sanctity of our food, quality of life, and human dignity: When it comes to what we are given to eat, and in what package it is a crime not to see, the reality!


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