The Economics of World Government

“Believe it, or not,
reality won’t change,
only your opinion may,
if you were born yesterday!
(- Is that only me?,
Or your opinion too.”)

by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 130 of Hans-Hermann Hoppe at the 2009 Mises University talking about the economics of political centralization.  Listen to the podcast

Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Hans-Hermann Hoppe

ANNOUNCER: This is the Lew Rockwell Show.

ROCKWELL: Recently, at the 2009 Mises University, Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe talked about the economics of political centralization. What is it that brings about unification, unfortunate unification and centralization within a country like the United States where the states gradually become irrelevant under an all-powerful D.C., and, for that matter, drives countries to join together into an even worse situation, of course, a world government?

Here’s Dr. Hoppe.

HOPPE: OK, I will begin my lecture.

At the beginning, I want to repeat a few points that I have made in my previous lecture on law and economics, and then I want to get to an entirely different subject than…

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