CRASH RISK CUT IN COFFEE-DRINKING TRUCKERS (It’s long hours behind the wheel not coffee that put truckers life at risk)

Crash Risk Cut in Coffee-Drinking Truckers

Driving when tired is unquestionably dangerous, but when one’s livelihood hangs in the balance, it is sometimes difficult to do the responsible thing and pull over. Still, about 70 percent of the truckerssurveyed in a recent Australian study said that they do just that when they feel fatigued. Drinking coffee or other caffeine-containing beverages is another, though likely less effective, way to boost alertness behind the wheel and reduce crash risk. Researchers found that truckers who consumed caffeine to keep from dozing while driving were 63 percent less likely to have an accident than those who did not. More…Discuss

“It’s long hours behind the wheel not coffee that put truckers life at risk”

Always further victimize the victim! 

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