It is interesting to note how the mainstream media is “handling” these mass shootings in general: With blatant contempt for the freedom-lover, and utter disdain for the U.S. Constitution.

But we all know what the reasons are…

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Mainstream Media Hypes Up Mass Shootings To Further Stigmatize Gunowners With Red Herring of “Mental Illness”

admin | Mar 22, 2013

by Chris and Sheree Geo

In the wake of new information indicating that James Holmes (the alleged “Aurora shooter”) will be given “truth serum” in order to extract a confession or other information regarding the shooting, it is interesting to note how the mainstream media is “handling” these mass shootings in general: With blatant contempt for the freedom-lover, and utter disdain for the U.S. Constitution.

It’s almost too easy to see the agenda, here: The UN Arms Trade Treaty demands that the U.S. disarm its’ public before the economy collapses fully. The Obama Administration already signed off on…

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