March of the beekeepers

Stop killing our bees!

Rudolf Abraham

Protest by beekeepers and members of the public against DEFRA minister Owen Paterson’s opposition to a proposed EU ban on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, which many leading scientists (including those on the House of Commons’ own Environmental Audit Committee) believe is killing bees in alarming numbers. The protest was organised by Avaaz, 38 Degrees and several other organisations, who have been campaigning on the issue for many months, with public petitions in support of a ban on neonicotinoids already reaching over 2.6 million (Avaaz) and 300,000 (38 Degrees) signatures. Parliament Square, Westminster, London, UK (26 April 2013).

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march of the beekeepers neonicotinoid pesticides protest London photographer 20130426_0255a
Malcolm Lee, a beekeeper from South Africa (right) stands with a protester from Australia. All of the beekeepers who I spoke to today have seen a significant increase in deaths among their bees.

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You can sign the 38 Degrees petition here, and the Avaaz petition here.
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