Cyprus Shows Your Savings Will be Stolen! UK Theft is by Means of High Inflation

Count US Banks too, that think 0.01%, is a saving account earned interest rate!

Family Survival Protocol - Microcosm News




Economics / Credit Crisis 2013 Mar 25, 2013 – 03:24 AM GMT

By: Nadeem_Walayat


Different faces but the same old story is being replayed in a small part of the Euro-zone, Cyprus, and that story is one of the Cypriot banking crime syndicate gambling with depositor funds on the debt markets, this time it’s Greek bonds, yes, these master-eds of the universe used depositor funds to pile into soon to go bankrupt Greece because of the high yields they offered so that the bankster’s could bank bonuses on the basis of fictitious profits as illustrated by the fact that they have dumped an infinitely pile of losses (Greek Bond’s ) onto Cypriot tax payers, far beyond anything that any other Euro-zone member has had to face to date.


The Damage Has Been Done Expect a Bank Run

The emerging details early Monday morning…

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One response to “Cyprus Shows Your Savings Will be Stolen! UK Theft is by Means of High Inflation

  1. Thank you for the re-blog 🙂

    Oh most definitely. They will try to steal everything they can. Once the thieves are let loose there will be no controlling their avarice. It will get very ugly. Perhaps signaling a run on the banks before it gets here. What a way to ring in the financial collapse!


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